Utah Governor signed bill H.B. 139 to allow lifetime-offenders, convicted in another jurisdiction, the ability to Petition the Courts to be removed from the registry after living in the State for two consecutive years (at least 183 per years), with the intent of primarily residing in Utah, and meeting other conditions.
This is available 20 years after release from confinement, or if no confinement from sentencing – as long as you have no class A mis., felony, or capital felony in the last 20 years.
There is also an early release provision on non-lifetime offenders after 5-years for certain offenses, if it was your only offence since, and the only requiring registration.
This is good news! Brings hope to those who might want to leave a State for another chance.
That’s right nice of the guvnah to do that…forward thinking of the legislature in the Beehive state.
Wow!! This is great news for [people forced to register] residing in Utah!! Real opportunities to get removed from that State’s Registry!!
And this bit – “…. after 5-years for certain offenses…” – is also fantastic!!
Imagine if such progress could be made throughout the U.S.!!
I hope California will follow and does anybody know what the other conditions are?
This mostly benefits the Romeo and Juliet cases out there (once again, sigh).
I truly believe that half measures are anathema to our cause.
Just read about Utah Governor signing legislation conditionally allowing RSO from another jurisdiction to be rmoved from registry after 20 years.
This is encouraging as it allows another lobbying opportunity for Ca legislators to follow suit.
California after 20 years should be automatic removal no matter what the code classification . California‘s tier system should be based on “risk”, and if the offender has been rehabilitated by the way of a COR that person should be automatically discharged from the registry. I don’t know how much further a person can be rehabilitated other than having a COR granted by the court from which that person was convicted.
I don’t get the excitement over this bill. It’s not retroactive, and it only affects people not from Utah. Plus there’s no guarantee that a judge would approve the petition in 2 years, especially if there’s an appearance of jurisdiction shopping. When the first lifer is released from the registry, and the public outcry starts, politicians will go scrambling for cover. And don’t forget, Utah just added more minors to their registry….certainly more than the small number of lifers who moved to the state. Scared politicians could easily reverse this bill. What a Utah giveth, Utah can taketh away